Bald cypress

Common Name(s):
Bald cypress
Scientific Name:
Taxodium distichum
Growth Traits:
Native, perennial, warm season
Description: A large deciduous tree that can grow as high as 160 feet. Trunks can reach 5 feet in diameter with the base of the trunk enlarged and buttress-shaped. Knees, which are cone-shaped woody projections from the ground, often form from trees, especially in frequently flooded areas. One to two cones form at the end of twigs. Bald cypress naturally occurs in swamps and along rivers and streams as well as in other moist areas. Due to its ability to adapt to drier sites, the bald cypress is planted as an ornamental. The lumber is decay-resistant, and wood ducks eat its seed.
Chemical Control Options: Imazapyr will control it, but control usually is not needed.
Mechanical Control Options: Cutting is only temporarily effective due to regrowth from root buds.
Biological Control Options: There is not a good biological control option.